Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bingham falls adventure

Soooo... Yesterday Kirsten and I went to Bingham falls which is in Stowe. We were planning on going on a more strenuous hike, but the weather was kind a shitty and kirst was a liiiiiitle bit hung ovs. Anyways Bingham falls is pretty much a nature trail that goes through a series of waterfalls. The waterfalls aren't huge (you'll see in the pics) like the ones I went to in Puerto Rico with the college swim team, but they are pretty cool to sit by and just look at. As we walked down the path we noticed how green everything was, it was awesome. Usually there are a lot of people on the trail, but since it wasn't so nice out we had it all to ourselves it was awesome!

We noticed this really cool tree (above) that had the craziest trunk/ roots, it kind of looks like an animal don't you think? Sorry for the formatting issues, I hope I get better bc the page kind of looks a little out of wack, but ohh well, not a computer person at allll. Anyways the trail is pretty flat for a little bit, then you go down a rock stairway that is pretty steep, and right now since its been raining it was really slippery. We hobbled our way down and came around the corner to see....

The Falls! I know it doesn't look that big in the pic, but it seems a lot bigger in person, and it makes the most amazing sound. I could sit there for hours and just listen, its so soothing. When we got there we hopped down onto the rocks closer to the water and we saw this puddle.

I think it looks like an elephant... kirsten thought it kind of looked like a seal (i didn't see it)... what do you think? Anyways after hanging out there and looking around, taking pics we headed back up to the car

There's us! not the best pic. When we got back to the car we went up the road a little to check out the mountain and it was SO SAD. The chairlifts were dead and there was no one there... guess thats what you get for living in a ski town. Anyways, thats all for now!

1 comment:

  1. sorry kind of messed up on some of the pics, but you get the idea haha
